Thursday, January 01, 2009


Well its nearly the end of day one of 2009 and I have finally found some time to sit down at the computer and wish every onae a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2009.

I had Hogmanay (New Years Eve) off, so it was nice to spend it with DH and the kids. I spend some time quietly reflecting on the year that was, and hoping that the year coming would be a tad better! New Year is a quiet time in the gg household, we watched some crap tv, opened some (really nice) fizz just before "the bells", watched the fireworks that are part of the Edinburgh Hogmanay Street Party from the balcony off our lounge, then watched some more crap tv before going to bed(after we finished the bottle of fizz)!!!!

The boys are now old enough to stay up so they also had a glass of fizz (lemonade with summerfruit diluting juice to make it look like the rose fizz DH and I had!)to bring in 2009. Lots of hugs and kisses from them at "the bells"(which was nice). However Ronan is now getting to "that" age where it isn't cool to give mum a hug, so I guess I have had my "yearly" hug off him!!!!!!

Today was spent quietly in the house just chilling and getting ready to go into work. This year I managed to have both Xmas and Hogmanay off which was really nice. I enjoyed my time up in Inverbervie with my folks at Xmas, its the first Xmas in years that we have all been together and the first one that the kids have had away from home.

Oh well thats "IT" all over for an other year and things can get back to "normal", whatever normal is?


Blogger Robin said...

Happy New Year!!!!!

2:30 am  
Blogger Batty said...

Happy New Year!

2:51 pm  

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