Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Belated 250th Birthday to Rabbie

I meant to post this yesterday, but I didn't have time.

Yesterday, the 25th Jan 2009, was the 250th Anniversary of my famous ancestor, Robert Burns, who was born in Alloway, Ayrshire on 25th Jan 1759.He was the son of William Burness and Agnes Brown. His father was a tenant farmer from the Stonehaven area of Scotland, who had moved to Ayrshire for work. Robert changed his name to Burns in 1786.

My connection to Scotland's National Bard is via my father's family. My 10 X Great Grandparents were Walter Burness and Isobel Greig, who were also Robert Burns's 2 X Great Grandparents. I am descended from their 1st child, William Burness and Christian Fotheringham, and he is descended from their 4th child, James, who married Margaret Falconer.

He wrote many songs and poems during his short life. One of the best know around the world is Auld Lang Syne, which he wrote in 1788. He also wrote To a Haggis in 1786 and To a Mouse in 1785. However he also wrote many romantic poems/songs which he usually dedicated to the current love of his life! Ae, fond kiss being one he wrote for one of his "loves", Mrs Agnes McLehose ("Clarinda"). He gave it to her on 6th Dec 1791, just before she went out to Jamaica to be with her husband! Here is an other of his songs, sung by Eva Cassidy (one of my favourite artists). Robert Burns was also a patriotic man and wrote songs about the state of the country in his times, one of these is A Mans, A Man For A That, which he wrote in 1795. I particularly like the last verse!!!!

Robert Burns had a total of twelve children by four women, including nine by his wife Jean Armour. Seven of his children were illegitimate, including the first four by Jean Armour before they were married in 1788, although under Scottish law they were considered legitimate after their parent's marriage.

This year, in celebration of the 250th Anniversary, the Scottish Parliament have organised various festivals and activities to encourage people around the world, with Scottish Ancestry to come home.....The events are known as "Homecoming Scotland 2009".


Blogger Robin said...

Happy Belated Bday Mr. Burns!!

3:23 pm  

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