Thursday, September 06, 2007

Home again, home again, jiggitty jig..............

I know its been a while, and when I last blogged I was heading off to the Emerald Isle. Well I have been and now I'm back! In fact I have been back since 25th August, but it has been RATHER hectic in gourdongirls life of late! I know I was supposed to have returned from Ireland on the 20th August....... but .......well THAT'S for an other blog entry!!!

Just for a taster, this is a pic of the sunset taken from the back of the cottage where we were staying for the first week of the Ireland trip. I promise to blog about that soon.

Okay so what have I been up to since my return? Well mainly working. I've done some nights, but over the last week and for the next few weeks I will be up and about during the day as I am scheduled to do days! This in its self is a VERY weird concept after years of night duty!

On the knitting front.....nothing, zilch, nada! Yup thats right I have NOT been near ANY knitting for nearly 4 weeks. This is virtually unheard of, but its a sad fact. However as I am part of the Ravelry Rugby World Cup knitting group I had better get thinking as to what I want to knit, as the Rugby World Cup starts tomorrow and I haven't got a clue!

On the subject of rugby, the rugby season has started! This means for the next 9 months or so every Sunday will be taken up coaching Robert's group and every Saturday for the forseeable future I will be involved with helping out at the 1st XV games!!!!! I am responsible for ensuring there are ball boys/girls at every home game. I MUST BE MAD!

On the weight front, I actually managed to loose 0.5lb when I was on holiday (and that was no mean feat let me tell you!)and this week I managed a further 3.5lb taking my weight loss so far to 52lb!

Oh well better go as thats the washing finished and I still have to pack the boys stuff, as they are off on a camping weekend with Spinning Fishwife, as it is her son's birthday tomorrow. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUNCAN.


Blogger Robin said...

Doesn't it "bite" to have to return from vacation? I'd like a permanent vacation!

2:52 am  

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